The Startup Playbook Podcast

Insights and lessons from the world's best entrepreneurs and investors

Ep004 – Alex Mcbride (Founder – The Fifth Watches) on building a business from a blog, turning weaknesses intro strengths and how to grow a social media following

In episode 4 of The Startup Playbook Podcast, I interview Alex McBride, the Founder and CEO of The Fifth Watches. (more…)

Ep003 – Justin Dry (Co-CEO – Vinomofo) on the importance of building a community, deciding when to pivot and how to choose between multiple options on the table.

In episode 3 of The Startup Playbook Podcast, I interview Just Dry who is the Co-founder and Co-CEO of Vinomofo. (more…)

Ep002 – Shelli Trung (Angel Investor) on how to approach investors and what gets investors interested

In the 2nd episode of The Startup Playbook Podcast, I interview Shelli Trung, who is an active angel investor in Fintech, Real Estate Tech and Impact focused startups. (more…)

Ep001 – Tim Mundy (Director – Digital Affair) on how to get clients, foster partnerships and build teams

In the first ever episode of The Startup Playbook Podcast, I interview Tim Mundy who is the founder and Director of Digital Affair. (more…)